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Catfish on lures! Charlie Coppolo has been having success!

It’s not very common to hear about anglers targeting Wels Catfish with lures in the UK, especially in December!

Essex-based angler Charlie Coppolo (@theillustratedangler) has been doing just that. Check out the results for yourself on the pic below. From experience, we know that once connected to a Catfish the fight isn’t over until they say so. Charlie hasn’t said what gear he was using but we’d expect if it’s a lure outfit It must’ve been a real battle!

Charlie said “To legitimately go out to target Wels Catfish in December on lures in the UK may sound mad, but it’s something I’ve very quickly fallen in love with. What I’d really like now, is to connect with a real big one!”

It’s great to see fellow anglers achieving success in their own way. However, I must admit, I’m not sure if I would attempt it myself. Having caught catfish before, I know that the unhooking mat, net, and even the coat will all stink to high heaven!

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Steve Evans
Steve Evans

Founder & Chief Editor of Predator Fishing World. Steve has been predator fishing for well over a decade. During this time he has mainly fished for pike, chub and a very strong addition to perch fishing.