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A Change in Tactics Sees Andy Page Bags 2 x 51cm Perch!

Andy Page, a well-known angler from Fenland Fishing Channel and Wolfcreek Lures, has recently caught multiple large perch on his latest fishing trip after a struggle on a previous session.

Andy is experienced in fishing for specimen predators in various types of water bodies, from large and challenging reservoirs to smaller, more tranquil backwaters. His expertise enables him to successfully catch fish in different types of environments, making him a highly skilled angler.

51cm of mammoth stripey!

On this occasion Andy said “…I had my ass handed to me a few days ago after ‘ol stripey’…so had to have a re-think about tactics & techniques. On returning to the venue I alternated through a range of baits & approaches.”

This simple change in method proved to be a game-changer for him, as he was able to catch several large perch, with the biggest ones weighing up to 5lb 4oz and measuring up to 51cm. As Andy himself puts it, “Every day is a school day”, and his experience shows that even the most reliable methods can fail at times, and it pays to be willing to try new things in order to succeed.

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Steve Evans
Steve Evans

Founder & Chief Editor of Predator Fishing World. Steve has been predator fishing for well over a decade. During this time he has mainly fished for pike, chub and a very strong addition to perch fishing.