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A Brace of Mega Chew Valley Pike for Finn Lewis
Finn Lewis, an experienced angler from Essex, has been visiting the picturesque Chew Valley Lake in Somerset for several years now, hoping to get amongst the huge pike it has to offer.
Despite his persistent efforts, Finn had not been able to catch any big fish until recently. During a recent visit, luck finally favoured him as he managed to reel in two massive pike. The first one weighed a whopping 33 pounds and 8 ounces, while the second one weighed an impressive 29 pounds. After years of unsuccessful attempts, Finn’s patience and perseverance finally paid off.
Finn managed to bag both of these prize pike by fishing from the bank and casting out a herring dead bait roughly 40 or so yards.
What an incredible achievement for any angler to catch just one of these magnificent fish, let alone two in a single day. This is truly a testament to the perseverance and skill – Congratulations on an amazing feat!